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Tickhill Celebrates 25 Years

24th June 2011

Tickhill celebrate their 25th Birthday as a Country Market on Friday 24 June as part of their usual Friday Market.  As might be expected of a Country Market there will be a special celebration cake on the day and no doubt a few balloons to pop!

Fran Wright, not only a Tickhill Producer but also one of the South Yorkshire Country Market Advisers, was one of the founder members and is still active.  During the time she has produced thousands of cakes and other baking goods which have helped Tickhill establish itself as a favourite for the foodies of Tickhill.  Jean Bellamy another founder member still attends as a customer when she is able.

Ruth Taylor and June Bishop also joined the Market very soon after it started and they are still active Producers.  Ruth apart from being a Producer at Tickhill also contributes to the Market in Doncaster and is a Market Adviser for South Yorkshire.

Markets also depend not only on Producers to make them successful and it is here that Eileen Howdle has helped on the order table virtually from the start as well.

Many Producers have come and gone over the years but the reputation of Tickhill Country Market for quality lives on in the village.




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Last updated: 7th June 2011