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Puds and Snow Don't Go! - Newsletter 10 Published

8th April 2013

Is Spring really here?

The Sheffield Country Market has published its 10th Newsletter for Spring 2013.  The latest edition contains details of the events the Market will be supporting over the summer outside of its usual presence in Broomhill every Saturday.

The front page welcomes a number of new Producers who have extended the range of what the Market has to offer.

Just so we can remember what a challenging winter we have had the centre page spead outlines a humorous but challneging two days for one of our bakers as snow arrived.

The Newsletter is available not only to regular Saturday morning customers, it will also be available at other local outlets and the next Sharrow Vale and Nether Edge Markets.

Copies can be downloaded by clicking the link below:

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Last updated: 8th April 2013